Building with GNU Make

The build of PeleLM is managed with GNUmake. For a specific case setup and run configuration, you write your own make input files that define a number of variables and build rules, and then invoke make to initiate the build process. This will result in an executable upon successful completion. Temporary files generated in the building process (such as object files) are stored in a directory named tmp_build_dir in such a way that allows multiple build configurations to co-exist.

Dissecting a Simple Make File

An example input file for GNU Make can be found in any of the example setup, such as $(PELELM_HOME)/Exec/RegTests/FlameSheet. Table 1 below shows a list of important variables.

1 Important make variables
Variable Value Default
AMREX_HOME Path to amrex environment
IAMR_HOME Path to IAMR environment
PELELM_HOME Path to PeleLM environment
PELE_PHYSICS_HOME Path to PelePhysics environment
COMP gnu, cray, ibm, intel, llvm, or pgi none
DIM 2 or 3 none

At the beginning of $(PELELM_HOME)/Exec/FlameSheet/GNUmakefile, the make variable AMREX_HOME is set to the path to the top directory of AMReX. Note that in the example ?= is a conditional variable assignment operator that only has an effect if AMREX_HOME has not been defined (including in the environment). The make variable can also take it value from the corresponding environment variable, AMREX_HOME, if it exists. For example in bash, one can set

export AMREX_HOME=/path/to/amrex

prior to running make. alternatively, in tcsh one can set

setenv AMREX_HOME /path/to/amrex

Path to IAMR (IAMR_HOME), PelePhysics (PELE_PHYSICS_HOME) and PeleLM (PELELM_HOME) should also be provided in the same manner.

One must set the COMP variable to choose a compiler suite (for C, C++, f90). Currently the list of supported compiler suites includes gnu, cray, ibm, intel, llvm, and pgi. One must also set the DIM variable to either 1, 2, or 3, depending on the dimensionality of the problem.

Variables DEBUG, USE_MPI, USE_OMP, USE_CUDA and USE_HIP are optional with default set to TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE and FALSE, respectively. Note that the last three entries are mutually exclusive. The meaning of these variables should be obvious. When DEBUG=TRUE, aggressive compiler optimization flags are turned off and assertions in source code are turned on. For production runs, DEBUG should be set to FALSE.

After defining these make variables, an application code may also wish to include its own Make.package file (e.g., ./Make.package) or otherwise directly append source files to the build system, using operator +=. Variables for various source file types are shown below.

C++ source files. Note that C++ source files are assumed to have a .cpp extension.
C++ headers with .h or .H extension.
C source files with .c extension.
C headers with .h extension.
Free format Fortran source with .f90 extension.
Free format Fortran source with .F90 extension. Note that these Fortran files will go through preprocessing.

In the FlameSheet example, the extra source file, drm19Soln_seed_0.50.f is in a directory that is already in the build system’s search path. Additional files, that are local to this setup, such as pele_prob.cpp need to be added to the appropriate file list explicitly as well. If this case included files in a separate folder (e.g., mysrcdir), you will then need to add the following:


Here VPATH_LOCATIONS and INCLUDE_LOCATIONS are the search path for source and header files, respectively.

Finally, PeleLM requires a number of defines and setup for every case that must be processed into final filelists for building, and various defines for complilation – these are managed in the make include file $(PELELM_HOME)/Tools/Make/Make.PeleLM. In particular, this file contains macros to find the chemistry mechanism/model files associated with the string value of the Chemistry_Model variable. Look in $(PELELM_HOME)/Tools/Make/Make.PeleLM for a list of currently recognized models, and to see which folder that the string maps to in $(PELE_PHYSICS_HOME)/Support/Fuego/Mechanism/Models folder. That folder will contain a Make.package that appends the model-specific source files to the build list (typically a C-source file generated by FUEGO from a CHEMKIN-compatible set of specification files – see the file $(PELE_PHYSICS_HOME)/README.rst for more information on model generation.

Tweaking the Make System

The GNU Make build system is located in the AMReX source code distribution in $(AMREX_HOME)/Tools/GNUMake. You can read and the make files there for more information. Here we will give a brief overview.

Besides building executable, other common make commands include:

make clean
This removes the executable, .o files, and the temporarily generated files. Note that one can add additional targets to this rule using the double colon (::)
make realclean
This removes all files generated by make.
make help
This shows the rules for compilation.
make print-xxx
This shows the value of variable xxx. This is very useful for debugging and tweaking the make system.

Compiler flags are set in $(AMREX_HOME)/Tools/GNUMake/comps/. Note that variables like CC and CFLAGS are reset in that directory and their values in environment variables are disregarded. Site-specific setups (e.g., the MPI installation) are in $(AMREX_HOME)/Tools/GNUMake/sites/, which includes a generic setup in Make.unknown. You can override the setup by having your own sites/Make.$(host_name) file, where variable host_name is your host name in the make system and can be found via make print-host_name. You can also have an $(AMREX_HOME)/Tools/GNUMake/Make.local file to override various variables. See $(AMREX_HOME)/Tools/GNUMake/Make.local.template for an example.

Specifying your own compiler / GCC on macOS

The $(AMREX_HOME)/Tools/GNUMake/Make.local file can also be used to specify your own compile commands by setting the valiables CXX, CC, FC, and F90. This might be neccarry if your systems contains non-standard names for compiler commands.

For example, mac OSX Xcode ships with its own (woefully outdated) version of GCC (4.2.1). It is therefore recommended to install GCC using the homebrew package manager. Running brew install gcc installs gcc with names reflecting the version number. If GCC 8.2 is installed, homebrew installs it as gcc-8. AMReX can be built using gcc-8 without MPI by using the following $(AMREX_HOME)/Tools/GNUMake/Make.local:

ifeq ($(USE_MPI),TRUE)
  CXX = mpicxx
  CC  = mpicc
  FC  = mpif90
  F90 = mpif90
  CXX = g++-8
  CC  = gcc-8
  FC  = gfortran-8
  F90 = gfortran-8

For building with MPI, we assume mpicxx, mpif90, etc. provide access to the correct underlying compilers.

Note that if you are building PeleLM using homebrew’s gcc, it is recommended that you use homebrew’s mpich. Normally is it fine to simply install its binaries: brew install mpich. But if you are experiencing problems, we suggest building mpich usinging homebrew’s gcc: brew install mpich --cc=gcc-8.